About Bernadette Smyth

Accredited Family Law Specialist

Meet Berni Smyth, the principal lawyer at Smyth Family Lawyers, a seasoned expert with over 20 years of dedicated experience in family law. Berni is more than just a legal practitioner; she is your trusted companion on the journey to a more harmonious resolution during challenging times.

Expertise Rooted in Experience

With a wealth of experience spanning two decades, Berni Smyth is renowned for her expertise in family law. As an Accredited Family Law Solicitor, registered mediator and independent Children’s lawyer, she brings a unique blend of legal proficiency and compassionate understanding to every case she handles.

A Commitment to Peaceful Resolutions

At Smyth Family Lawyers, we understand the struggles families face during divorce and separation. Rather than exacerbating the turmoil with traditional courtroom battles, Berni Smyth advocates for a more peaceful approach founded in mediation.

Why Mediation Benefits Families

Mediation with an Accredited Family Law Specialist offers numerous advantages for families navigating divorce or separation. By opting for mediation with Berni Smyth, families can benefit from:


Lower Fees

Mediation often involves lower costs compared to lengthy court battles, making it a more accessible option for families.


Staying Out of Court

Mediation helps families avoid the stress and uncertainty of court proceedings, fostering a more cooperative environment for resolution.


Child-Centred Approach

With mediation, the focus remains on the best interests of the children, promoting healthier outcomes and fostering positive co-parenting relationships.


Safer Environment

Mediation provides a safe and confidential space for discussions, allowing families to address sensitive issues with greater privacy and security.

A Partner You Can Trust

Berni Smyth, an Accredited Family Law Specialist and Nationally Accredited Mediator and Arbitrator, offers solicitors an efficient and effective resource for resolving legal disputes. Including conducting mediation and arbitration, including family law matters.

For timely, confidential, and legally sound dispute resolutions, choose Berni Smyth as your trusted partner.