Family Law and co-parenting in difficult times

Family Law and co-parenting in difficult times

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought additional stress and uncertainty to many families involved in co-parenting which, by its nature, can be stressful enough. School closures, state and territory border closures, additional pressure on healthcare workers and...
Where do the kids live after separating?

Where do the kids live after separating?

The concept of shared parental responsibility Many couples are able to agree on arrangements for the ongoing care of their children after they separate. These arrangements can be documented through parenting plans or formalised in consent orders without the need...
Common Family Law Fallacies

Common Family Law Fallacies

If you’re in the unfortunate situation of going through a break-up you have probably heard all sorts of ‘advice’ from well-meaning friends and family. Family and friends are a great source of emotional and physical support when you have separated, however good legal...